>New Glasses

Posted: November 21, 2006 in Uncategorized


Do you like? The inside of them is blue. Kinda cool.

Oh, and I got a hair cut too. I now have bangs to cover my colossal forehead! 🙂

  1. KellyC_bb says:

    >Ummm dude, I think we have the same glasses now – what brand are those?Mine are bright green on the back, though instead of blue, and are Lafont.

  2. leannwoo says:

    >Ummm, not sure what the brand is. I was looking for green insides! I wanted that cause my eyes are green! Oh well. There is no brand on the inside of my glasses.

  3. web says:

    >i like the bangs.

  4. KellyC_bb says:

    >Totally agree on your P90 comment on my page.I don’t know if you read about my workout yesterday at Nina’s thread, but OMG – Slim Series is going up for sale on ebay (although I’ll probably wait until January, when more people are looking to start something).BLEAH!Although P90 is not that exciting, at least Tony has a personality. Unfortunately I know every line by heart, but I normally put on some music while doing it. I will probably use P90 sculpt for my resistance.I need to try my Kathy Smith Project YOU Upper Body workout again (I bought it recently when it was on sale for 4 bucks).While doing that program, I remember it being a good upper body workout. Hopefully, I am remembering right.I’m very sore today, and I haven’t been muscle sore like this in a very long time – so that’s a start!

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